My Cave is actually the Master Bedroom in my house. I guess most people would think of "A Cave" as being dark with no view. I know, I know, most "Caves" are underground, but not mine. I really haven't been out side of my Cave for about 2 and a half years. Since my Father died here at home. It's great, no Cave is complete without a Laptop and Printer, Refrigerator, Office supplies, Cleaning Supplies, Dog Food and Treats, and Trailmix Bars. I don't venture out much, my "Socials" consist of Publix Grocery, Wal Mart, Pharmacy, my Bank, the Vet and the Groomer. And I feel as though I am living large. I have 3 dogs, a toy Poodle, a Bichon and a White Westie. It's me and the boys. I have had FM for 20 years now. The soreness, nausea and restless legs keep me from finding a "position of comfort" - sometimes I just stand up for hours. When I am not standing I am bouncing around from room to room. It's not so bad now, it's just me and the pooches and we don't have a schedule. Oh, I nearly forgot the cats. I have 2. Abe and Nickie. I recently adopted them from the Humane Society. They are brothers and 14 years old. The Cats have Mother's Room.

It's almost midnight and I feel a little perky. Not a good sign. It may be an "all nighter" here. It is a full moon tonight, and I will "bark at it"........I know that Mom is watching and smiling.

Take It From Toots


Anonymous said…
I send you much support and empathy. My safe room over the years has been dubbed The Grotto (cave) so there's a connection there. I too go into a "hole" it's sometimes all too much. I found you using the 'next blog' feature. A lot of my pain went away after I slowly tapered off of only one med, benzodiazepines, I think they and their cousins exacerbate FM, just a crazy theory of mine. Doctors are all insane anyway.

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